
Interstrip capacitance measurement.

Type: cint


  • name: (str) name of node.
  • interval: (int) strip interval. Default is 1.
  • enabled: (bool) enabled state. Default is true.
  • parameters:
    • hv_channels: (list) list of high voltage channels. Default is [].
    • lv_channels: (list) list of low voltage channels. Default is [].
    • lcr_amplitude: (metric) LCR amplitude in Volt. Default is 1 V.
    • lcr_frequency: (metric) LCR frequency in Hertz. Default is 1 kHz.
    • cint_cp_minimum: (metric) required minimum for cint_cp (see output). Default is 0 F.
    • cint_cp_maximum: (metric) required maximum for cint_cp (see output). Default is 0 F.
    • soft_correction: (bool) enables use of software open correction. Default is true.
    • n_samples: (int) number of readings to be taken for median. Default is 5.

Example configuration

- type: cint
  name: Cint
  interval: 14
  enabled: true
    hv_channels: [A1, B1, C2]
    lv_channels: [1H05, 1G02]
    cint_cp_minimum: 0.5 pF


Column Type Description
timestamp float Timestamp in seconds.
temperature float Chuck temperature in degree Celcius.
humidity float Relative box humidity in percent.
index int Index for sorting.
strip str Strip name.
strip_index int Strip index.
cint_cp float CP reading in Farad.
cint_rp float RP reading in Ohm.