CV ramp using Bias SMU and LCR for measurements.

Type: cv


  • name: (str) name of node.
  • enabled: (bool) enabled state. Default is true.
  • auto_disable: (bool) auto disable on success. Default is true.
  • parameters:
    • hv_channels: (list) list of high voltage channels. Default is [].
    • voltage_begin: (metric) start voltage in Volt (-1000 V to 0 V). Required.
    • voltage_end: (metric) end voltage in Volt (-1000 V to 0 V). Required.
    • voltage_step: (metric) step voltage Volt (-100 V to +100 V). Required.
    • waiting_time: (metric) waiting time in seconds between voltage change and readings. Default is 1 s.
    • compliance: (metric) current compliance for bias source. Required.
    • lcr_amplitude: (metric) LCR amplitude in Volt. Default is 1 V.
    • lcr_frequency: (metric) LCR frequency in Hertz. Default is 1 kHz.

Example configuration

- type: cv
  name: CV
  enabled: true
  auto_disable: true
    hv_channels: [A2, B2, C2]
    voltage_begin: 0 V
    voltage_end: -600 V
    voltage_step: -5 V
    waiting_time: 1 s
    compliance: 25 uA
    lcr_amplitude: 1 V
    lcr_frequency: 1 kHz


Column Type Description
timestamp float Timestamp in seconds.
temperature float Chuck temperature in degree Celcius.
humidity float Relative box humidity in percent.
index int Index for sorting.
bias_voltage float Voltage level applied in Volt.
bias_smu_v float Voltage reading in Volt.
bias_smu_i float Current redaing in Ampere.
lcr_cp float CP reading in Farad.
lcr_rp float RP reading in Ohm.