Table of contents
VISA based instrument communication is handled by class Resource
that is used as context manager to guarantee releasing of instrument connections.
# Create and open a bare resource
>>> with comet.Resource("GBIP::1::INSTR") as resource:
... print(resource.query("*IDN?"))
'Keithley, Model 2410, ...'
Class Resource
accepts VISA compatible arguments.
# Create a bare VISA resource
>>> resource = comet.Resource(
... resource_name="GBIP::1::INSTR",
... visa_library="@py",
... read_termination="\n",
... write_termination="\n"
... )
Devices are instances inheriting from class Driver
using a resource instance Resource
for VISA communication with compliant instruments.
COMET comes with a set of various instrument drivers in module comet.driver
# Create a device using a resource
>>> from comet.driver.keithley import K2410
>>> with comet.Resource("GBIP::1::INSTR") as res:
... instr = K2410(res)
... instr.source.voltage = 5.00
... print(instr.source.voltage)
Registering resources brings following advantages:
- Rssources can be accesses using the
property by any class inheriting from classResourceMixin
. - Persistent resource settings can be edited using the main window’s preferences dialog.
- Stored settings can be applied to registered devices using
# Register a device instance
>>> app.resources.add("name", device)
# Access a registerd device
>>> app.resources.get("name")
<comet.Resource object at ...>
Load settings
app.resources.add("smu", comet.Resource("GBIP::1::INSTR"))
app.resources.add("multi", comet.Resource("GBIP::2::INSTR"))
app.resources.load_settings() # overwrite above resources with persistent settings
Inherit from class ResourceMixin
to provide access to persistent application settings from within custom classes.
from comet.resource import ResourceMixin
class Custard(ResourceMixin):
def spam(self):
return self.resources.get("spam")
List of classes that inherit ResourceMixin