Process Quality Control for CMS tracker

Getting started

Required instruments

Instrument Role
Keithley 707B Switching Matrix Matrix
Keysight E4980A LCR Meter LCR Meter
Keithley 6517B Electrometer ELM
Keithley 2410 Source Meter HV Source, V Source
Keithley 2470 Source Meter (optional) HV Source, V Source
Keithley 2657A Source Meter V Source, HV Source
Corvus TT positioning controller Table
HEPHY Environment Box Environment

Setup schematic

PQC setup schematic


Install using pip in a virtual environment.

pip install git+https://github.com/hephy-dd/comet-pqc.git@<version>




When running for the first time make sure to configure the VISA resource settings according to the individual setup by using EditPreferences.

Select the correct SMU instrument models (K2410, K2470, K2657A) for V source and HV source in the preferences.


Note: this software controls a highly complex, high voltage measurement setup in a laboratory environment. Always take care and double check the situation before taking actual measurements.


Measurements can be executed individual by selecting a measurement from the sequence tree and clicking Run inside the measurement panel. An active measurement can be stopped using the Stop button.

To execute a sequence of measurements click Start in the control panel blow the current sequence tree.