CV Ramp (LCR only)

Type: cv_ramp_alt


Parameter Type Default Description
matrix_enable bool true Enable matrix configuration.
matrix_channels list [] List of matrix channels to be closed. All matrix slots can be addressed.
bias_voltage_start volt required  
bias_voltage_step volt required  
bias_voltage_stop volt required  
waiting_time second 1 s Additional delay between ramp steps (0 ms to 3600 s).
bias_voltage_step_before volt bias_voltage_step  
waiting_time_before second 100 ms  
bias_voltage_step_after volt bias_voltage_step  
waiting_time_after second 100 ms  
waiting_time_start second 0 s Additional delay before starting with measurement ramp.
waiting_time_end second 0 s Additional delay after final ramp down.
lcr_soft_filter bool true Apply software STD/mean<0.005 filter.
lcr_frequency herz 1 kHz Possible range from 1 Hz to 25 kHz.
lcr_amplitude volt 250 mV  
lcr_integration_time str medium Possible values are: short, medium, long.
lcr_averaging_rate int 1 Possible range from 1 to 10.
lcr_auto_level_control bool true  
lcr_open_correction_mode str single Possible values are: single, multi.
lcr_open_correction_channel int 0 Possible range from 0 to 127.
analysis_functions list [] List of applied analysis functions. Possible values are: cv, mos, capacitor. See also Analysis Functions page.

Data columns

Column Type Description
timestamp second Time offset in seconds.
voltage_lcr volt Voltage assigned to V source.
current_lcr ampere Current reading of V source.
capacitance farad First value of Cp reading of LCR.
capacitance2 float Second value of Cp reading of LCR.
resistance ohm Resistance reading of LCR.
temperature_box degC Box temperature in degree Celcius.
temperature_chuck degC Chuck temperature in degree Celcius.
humidity_box percent Relative box humidity in percent.

Example configuration

- id: cv_alt_example
  name: CV Alternate Example
  type: cv_ramp_alt
  enabled: true
  description: An example measurement.
      matrix_channels: [1A01, 1B02, 2H11, 2G12]
      bias_voltage_start: -5 V
      bias_voltage_stop: 10 V
      bias_voltage_step: 0.1 V
      waiting_time: 100 ms
      lcr_soft_filter: true
      lcr_frequency: 10 kHz
      lcr_amplitude: 250 mV
      lcr_integration_time: medium
      lcr_averaging_rate: 1
      lcr_auto_level_control: true
      lcr_open_correction_mode: multi
      lcr_open_correction_channel: 8
      analysis_functions: [cv]