IV Ramp 4-Wire

IV ramp using V Source for ramp and measurements.

Type: iv_ramp_4_wire


Parameter Type Default Description
matrix_enable bool true Enable matrix configuration.
matrix_channels list [] List of matrix channels to be closed. All matrix slots can be addressed.
current_start ampere required Start current for V Source ramp. (-250 mA to 250 mA).
current_stop ampere required End current for V Source ramp. (-250 mA to 250 mA).
current_step ampere required Step current for V Source ramp (1 nA to 250 mA).
waiting_time second 1 s Additional delay between ramp steps (0 ms to 3600 s).
current_step_before ampere current_step  
waiting_time_before second 100 ms  
current_step_after ampere current_step  
waiting_time_after second 100 ms  
waiting_time_start second 0 s Additional delay before starting with measurement ramp.
waiting_time_end second 0 s Additional delay after final ramp down.
vsrc_current_compliance volt required V Source current compliance (1 mV to 1000 V).
vsrc_accept_compliance bool false Stop measurement gracefully if V Source compliance tripped.
vsrc_sense_mode str local V Source sense mode. Possible values are: local, remote.
vsrc_route_terminal str rear V Source route terminal. Possible values are: front, rear.
vsrc_filter_enable bool false Enable V Source filter.
vsrc_filter_count int 10 V Source filter count (1 to 100).
vsrc_filter_type str repeat Type of applied V Source filter. Possible values are: moving, repeat.
vsrc_source_voltage_autorange_enable bool true Enable source voltage auto range.
vsrc_source_voltage_range volt 20 V Set source voltage range. (-1 kV to 1 kV).
analysis_functions list [] List of applied analysis functions. Possible values are: iv, van_der_pauw, cross, linewidth, cbkr, contact, meander, breakdown. See also Analysis Functions page.

Data columns

Column Type Description
timestamp second Time offset in seconds.
current ampere Current assigned to V source.
voltage_vsrc volt Voltage reading of V source.
temperature_box degC Box temperature in degree Celcius.
temperature_chuck degC Chuck temperature in degree Celcius.
humidity_box percent Relative box humidity in percent.

Example configuration

- id: 4wire_example
  name: IV 4-Wire Example
  type: iv_ramp_4_wire
  enabled: true
  description: An example measurement.
      matrix_channels: [2D12, 2E09, 2F10, 2G11]
      current_start: -10 uA
      current_stop: 10 uA
      current_step: 500 nA
      waiting_time: 500 ms
      vsrc_voltage_compliance: 20 V
      vsrc_sense_mode: remote
      vsrc_filter_enable: false
      vsrc_filter_count: 10
      vsrc_filter_type: repeat
      analysis_functions: [iv, van_der_pauw]