Diode CV

Extract depletion voltage and resistivity.

Type: cv


Name Type Default Description
area float 1.56e-6 implant size in [m^2] - defaults to quarter
carrier str electrons majority charge carriers, values: holes, electrons
cut_param float 0.008 cut on 1st derivative to id voltage regions
max_v float 500.0 definition of fit region, only consider voltages < max_v
savgol_windowsize int null number of points to calculate the derivative, needs to be odd
min_correl float 0.1 minimum correlation coefficient to say that it worked


Name Type Description
v_dep1 float full depletion voltage via inflection
v_dep2 float full depletion voltage via intersection
rho float resistivity
conc float bulk doping concentration
a_rise float  
b_rise float  
v_rise list[float]  
a_const float  
b_const float  
v_const list[float]  
spl_dev list[float]