CV Ramp (HV Source)

CV ramp using HV Source and LCR for CpRp measurements.

Type: cv_ramp


Parameter Type Default Description
matrix_enable bool true Enable matrix configuration.
matrix_channels list [] List of matrix channels to be closed. All matrix slots can be addressed.
bias_voltage_start volt required  
bias_voltage_step volt required  
bias_voltage_stop volt required  
waiting_time second 1 s Additional delay between ramp steps (0 ms to 3600 s).
bias_voltage_step_before volt bias_voltage_step  
waiting_time_before second 100 ms  
bias_voltage_step_after volt bias_voltage_step  
waiting_time_after second 100 ms  
waiting_time_start second 0 s Additional delay before starting with measurement ramp.
waiting_time_end second 0 s Additional delay after final ramp down.
hvsrc_current_compliance ampere 1 uA  
hvsrc_accept_compliance bool false Stop measurement gracefully if HV Source compliance tripped.
hvsrc_route_terminal str rear  
hvsrc_sense_mode str local Possible values are: local, remote.
hvsrc_filter_enable bool false  
hvsrc_filter_count int 10  
hvsrc_filter_type str repeat Possible values are: moving, repeat.
hvsrc_source_voltage_autorange_enable bool true Enable source voltage auto range.
hvsrc_source_voltage_range volt 20 V Set source voltage range. (-1 kV to 1 kV).
lcr_soft_filter bool true Apply software STD/mean<0.005 filter.
lcr_frequency herz 1 kHz Possible range from 1 Hz to 25 kHz.
lcr_amplitude volt 250 mV  
lcr_integration_time str medium Possible values are: short, medium, long.
lcr_averaging_rate int 1 Possible range from 1 to 10.
lcr_auto_level_control bool true  
lcr_open_correction_mode str single Possible values are: single, multi.
lcr_open_correction_channel int 0 Possible range from 0 to 127.
analysis_functions list [] List of applied analysis functions. Possible values are: cv, mos, capacitor. See also Analysis Functions page.

Data columns

Column Type Description
timestamp second Time offset in seconds.
voltage_hvsrc volt Voltage assigned to HV source.
current_hvsrc ampere Current reading of HV source.
capacitance farad First value of Cp reading of LCR.
capacitance2 float Second value of Cp reading of LCR.
resistance ohm Resistance reading of LCR.
temperature_box degC Box temperature in degree Celcius.
temperature_chuck degC Chuck temperature in degree Celcius.
humidity_box percent Relative box humidity in percent.

Example configuration

- id: cv_example
  name: CV Example
  type: cv_ramp
  enabled: true
  description: An example measurement.
      matrix_channels: [1A01, 1B02, 2H11, 2G12]
      bias_voltage_start: -5 V
      bias_voltage_stop: 10 V
      bias_voltage_step: 0.1 V
      waiting_time: 100 ms
      hvsrc_current_compliance: 100 uA
      hvsrc_route_terminal: rear
      hvsrc_sense_mode: local
      hvsrc_filter_enable: false
      hvsrc_filter_count: 10
      hvsrc_filter_type: moving
      lcr_soft_filter: true
      lcr_frequency: 10 kHz
      lcr_amplitude: 250 mV
      lcr_integration_time: medium
      lcr_averaging_rate: 1
      lcr_auto_level_control: true
      lcr_open_correction_mode: multi
      lcr_open_correction_channel: 8
      analysis_functions: [cv]