
Measurement sequences, silicon sample and chuck geometries can be configured using YAML configuration files.

Table of contents


A sequence defines a list of measurements to be executed at physical contact points located on a silicon sample.

A sequence configuration must provide properties id, name and contacts. Optional properties are description and enabled.

id: my_sequence
name: My Sequence
description: A custom sequence
enabled: true
contacts: []

See assets/config/sequence/default.yaml for reference.

Custom sequence configuration files can be imported using FileSequenceImport....


A sequence consists of a list of contact points on a silicon sample. Such contact points are also referred as flutes.

A contact must provide properties id, name, contact_id and measurements. Optional properties are description and enabled.

Property contact_id must reflect a contact ID defined in the selected silicon sample configuration.

  - name: Flute 1
    description: A custom contact point
    enabled: true
    contact_id: flute_1
    measurements: []


A connection consists of a list of measurements to be performed with this connection.

A connection must provide properties name, type and parameters. Optional properties are id, description and enabled.

Property type must reflect a built in measurement ID. Valid types are iv_ramp, iv_ramp_bias, iv_ramp_4_wire, iv_ramp_4_wire_bias, cv_ramp, cv_ramp_alt, frequency_scan.

Property parameters defines default values specified by an individual measurement.

If property id is omitted a string is generated using property name.

      - id: poly_VdP
        name: Polysilicon Van-der-Pauw cross
        type: iv_ramp_4_wire
            current_start: -10 uA
            current_stop: 10 uA
            current_step: 500 nA

If a parameter value is followed by a unit abbreviation Pint is used to convert the value into a physical quantity of the specified unit. For example 10 V will return a <Quantity(10.0, 'Volt')> object.


This example defines a sequence consisting of a single contact PQC Flute 1 with a single measurement Diode IV at this location.

id: default
name: Default
description: Default measurement sequence.
  - id: flute_1
    name: PQC Flute 1
    contact_id: flute_1  # refs. sample configuration
    enabled: true
      - id: diode_iv
        name: Diode IV
        description: Performing IV ramp measurements.
        enabled: true
        type: iv_ramp
            matrix_channels: []
            voltage_start: 0 V
            voltage_stop: -1000 V
            voltage_step: 10 V
            waiting_time: 1 s
            current_compliance: 1 uA
            sense_mode: local


A sample defines available contact points and geometry of a silicon sample (wafer slice with test structures and needle contact points).

A sample configuration must provide properties name and contacts. Optional properties are id, description and enabled.

If property id is omitted a string is generated using property name.

id: my_sample
name: My Sample
description: A custom silicon sample
enabled: true
contacts: []

See assets/config/sample/default_hme_n.yaml for reference.


A sample consists of a list of contact points located on the silicon sample. A sequence must refer to contact points specified in the sample configuration.

Contact points are also referred as flutes.

A contact point must provide properties id, name, and pos. Optional properties are description and enabled.

  - id: flute_1  # ref. sequence configuration
    name: Flute 1
        x: 29
        y: 34
        z: 0


A chuck defines the geometry of the available silicon sample positions on the chuck.

A chuck configuration must provide properties id, name, and positions. Optional properties are description and enabled.

id: default
name: Default
description: Default chuck providing four sample positions.
enabled: true
positions: []


A position defines an area on the chuck surface where a silicon sample can be placed. Usually there are multiple positions an a chuck.

A position must provide properties id, name, and pos. Optional property is enabled.

  - id: pos_1
    name: Sample 1
    enabled: true
        x: 100
        y: 250
        z: 0

See assets/config/chuck/default.yaml for reference.